Projects and Assessment Portfolio
Projects and Assessment Portfolio Projects Project-based learning lessons are all based on solving a central question/s (umbrella question). Ideally, these questions/problems are ones that are posed by the students. When developing your question, be sure to keep in mind that it should not be Google-able ! If Google can instantly provide an answer to the driving question, then it is certainly not sufficient enough to propel meaningful research and study. The essential question should be one that can only be answered through the process of investigating and gathering information. So let’s say a student asks the question, “How long is the term for state senators?” While we wouldn’t want to use that a s a driving question (It’s Google-able), it would certainly be a great start. Instead, you might help them go a bit further and ask, “How could we create an information center at our school that teaches our peers about various government offices?” Now you have a question to explore th...