More games in the classroom
The importance of playing in the classroom The reason why incorporating games in our daily lessons is so important is because during games the control of learning is transfered from the teacher to the students. The protagonist is the student as his or her unique way of learning is the one that is developed. Another reason is that playing and exploration trigger the secretion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a substance that is essential for the growth of cells. What's more, imagination and social play support the development of attention, self control and cooperative learning skills. In a previous post I mention some of the games I use in my classroom. Today, I'd like to share with you more games that can be beneficial to your students' learning and at the same time you can have a lot of fun! 1. Line up according to... . The game involves groups of students lining up in order, depending on the criteria you choose, whether it's their birthday, height or any number...